4 steps to get you started with Wildfly download
DeegeU Java Course
This video is describes how to get the Wildly download, install it on your system, and configure it with an administrator user. This video tutorial’s goal is to help you prepare your computer for Enterprise Java tutorials requiring an application server. “4 steps to get you started with Wildfly download” is part of a larger collection called “Administration”. You can find more information about this in the “Administration” section.
Transcript – 4 steps to get you started with Wildfly download video
Hi there. If you’re unfamiliar with Enterprise Java, or are unsure where to get started, this video is where you want to start. I’m creating a another series on more advanced Java Enterprise topics, and many of those lessons will involve running Java in a JEE container.
One of the easiest containers to use is the Wildfly application server from Redhat, so that’s what we’re using. There are 4 things you need to do to get started with Wildfly before you can take advantage of future JEE videos on DeegeU. Let’s go!
The first thing to do is show you how to get Wildfly.
Wildly download
You can download Wildfly from wildfly.org. There should be a big banner that says download it now, and that’s what you want to click on. If they don’t have a big banner like they did here, go to the download button on the menu at the top of the page.
There should be many versions listed. Some will have alpha or beta at the end. You’ll want to avoid those, unless you like living on the edge, or if you think it will be released by the time you need to go to production. There are some listed as CR. Those are releases, and you should be ok to develop with those. They usually move quickly to final when they are in CR. The last is the ones that say final. Those are ok to use in production.
For these lessons I’m pulling down Wildfly 9. Each lesson on DeegeU that uses an application server will specify the actual version used, but I’ll also be clear if we’re using something that isn’t in an earlier version.
There are several versions of the application server as well. There’s the regular distribution, the servlet only distribution, and the source code distribution. We’re using the regular distribution. It says “Application Server Distribution”.
So step 1, download the zip file.
How to install Wildfly
We’ve downloaded the file. You now need to know how to install it. Once you download the file, you’ll need to unzip it. Unless you’re on a Mac, then it’s already unpackaged for you. Create a directory where you want Wildfly to reside. I usually create a directory called Wildfly, then I create specific version directories under it. This way you can switch between versions if necessary.
So create your directory, and move the unzipped directory to your destination directory. That’s pretty much it. You now have Wildfly installed.
How to create a user in Wildfly
Now we can start the application server up at this point, but to be able to do anything meaningful, we need to create a user first. So the next thing you need to know is how to create a user.
Open a command prompt, and navigate to the wildfly directory. This should be where you copied the folder. The directory for wildfly should be named something like wildfly-9.0.0.CR1. Inside that directory is a directory called bin. Go into that directory. We’ll discuss the rest of the application server directories in another lesson. This is just to get us up and running.
So we need to run the script add-user. We type
It will prompt us to enter the type of user we need to crete. We need an administrator, so we’ll select “a”, management user. Leave the realm alone. Use whatever username and password you like. I’ll use 8 asterisks for the password. We don’t need to assign our user to any groups yet. Say yes we want to add a user. Say we don’t want this user to be a slave host, and we’re done.
How to test your Wildfly installation
The final thing you need to know, is how to test everything. In the same directory where we ran the add-user, you need to run standalone.sh. This will start the wildfly server. Everything should look similar to what you see here. We’re looking for the final message that says everything has started up. That should be similar to this
WildFly Full 9.0.0.CR1 (WildFly Core 1.0.0.CR1) started in 2416ms
Ok now open up an internet browser window. It doesn’t matter which one. Go to this address
Use the same username and password you just created. And you should be in the management console. Feel free to look around. There’s not too much damage you can do. If you think you’re in a state you can’t get out of, delete everything and reinstall. It shouldn’t take more than a few minutes.
So that’s it. I showed you where to get the Wildfly download, how to install Wildfly, how to create a user in Wildfly, and finally how to run wildfly. To close wildfly, just command-c the process. And that’s it. Your computer should be good to go, and ready to tackle the Jave enterprise lessons! See you then!
Tools Used
- Java 8
- WildFly 9.0.0.CR1
Media Credits
All media created and owned by DJ Spiess unless listed below.
- Wildfly logo owned by Red Hat, Inc. (http://www.wildfly.org)
Get the code
The Wildfly Application Server can be found on the Wildfly download page.
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DJ Spiess
Your personal instructor
My name is DJ Spiess and I’m a developer with a Masters degree in Computer Science working in Colorado, USA. I primarily work with Java server applications. I started programming as a kid in the 1980s, and I’ve programmed professionally since 1996. My main focus are REST APIs, large-scale data, and mobile development. The last six years I’ve worked on large National Science Foundation projects. You can read more about my development experience on my LinkedIn account.
DeegeU Java Course
This video is describes how to get the Wildly download, install it on your system, and configure it with an administrator user. This video tutorial’s goal is to help you prepare your computer for Enterprise Java tutorials requiring an application server. “4 steps to get you started with Wildfly download” is part of a larger collection called “Administration”. You can find more information about this in the “Administration” section.
Transcript – 4 steps to get you started with Wildfly download video
Hi there. If you’re unfamiliar with Enterprise Java, or are unsure where to get started, this video is where you want to start. I’m creating a another series on more advanced Java Enterprise topics, and many of those lessons will involve running Java in a JEE container.
One of the easiest containers to use is the Wildfly application server from Redhat, so that’s what we’re using. There are 4 things you need to do to get started with Wildfly before you can take advantage of future JEE videos on DeegeU. Let’s go!
The first thing to do is show you how to get Wildfly.
Wildly download
You can download Wildfly from wildfly.org. There should be a big banner that says download it now, and that’s what you want to click on. If they don’t have a big banner like they did here, go to the download button on the menu at the top of the page.
There should be many versions listed. Some will have alpha or beta at the end. You’ll want to avoid those, unless you like living on the edge, or if you think it will be released by the time you need to go to production. There are some listed as CR. Those are releases, and you should be ok to develop with those. They usually move quickly to final when they are in CR. The last is the ones that say final. Those are ok to use in production.
For these lessons I’m pulling down Wildfly 9. Each lesson on DeegeU that uses an application server will specify the actual version used, but I’ll also be clear if we’re using something that isn’t in an earlier version.
There are several versions of the application server as well. There’s the regular distribution, the servlet only distribution, and the source code distribution. We’re using the regular distribution. It says “Application Server Distribution”.
So step 1, download the zip file.
How to install Wildfly
We’ve downloaded the file. You now need to know how to install it. Once you download the file, you’ll need to unzip it. Unless you’re on a Mac, then it’s already unpackaged for you. Create a directory where you want Wildfly to reside. I usually create a directory called Wildfly, then I create specific version directories under it. This way you can switch between versions if necessary.
So create your directory, and move the unzipped directory to your destination directory. That’s pretty much it. You now have Wildfly installed.
How to create a user in Wildfly
Now we can start the application server up at this point, but to be able to do anything meaningful, we need to create a user first. So the next thing you need to know is how to create a user.
Open a command prompt, and navigate to the wildfly directory. This should be where you copied the folder. The directory for wildfly should be named something like wildfly-9.0.0.CR1. Inside that directory is a directory called bin. Go into that directory. We’ll discuss the rest of the application server directories in another lesson. This is just to get us up and running.
So we need to run the script add-user. We type
./add-user.shIt will prompt us to enter the type of user we need to crete. We need an administrator, so we’ll select “a”, management user. Leave the realm alone. Use whatever username and password you like. I’ll use 8 asterisks for the password. We don’t need to assign our user to any groups yet. Say yes we want to add a user. Say we don’t want this user to be a slave host, and we’re done.
How to test your Wildfly installation
The final thing you need to know, is how to test everything. In the same directory where we ran the add-user, you need to run standalone.sh. This will start the wildfly server. Everything should look similar to what you see here. We’re looking for the final message that says everything has started up. That should be similar to this
WildFly Full 9.0.0.CR1 (WildFly Core 1.0.0.CR1) started in 2416msOk now open up an internet browser window. It doesn’t matter which one. Go to this address
http://localhost:9990/consoleUse the same username and password you just created. And you should be in the management console. Feel free to look around. There’s not too much damage you can do. If you think you’re in a state you can’t get out of, delete everything and reinstall. It shouldn’t take more than a few minutes.
So that’s it. I showed you where to get the Wildfly download, how to install Wildfly, how to create a user in Wildfly, and finally how to run wildfly. To close wildfly, just command-c the process. And that’s it. Your computer should be good to go, and ready to tackle the Jave enterprise lessons! See you then!
Final Notes
The Wildfly Application Server can be found on the Wildfly download page.
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All images are owned by DJ Spiess unless listed below: